Leeds Creative Skills Festival - Exhibitor Webinar

Join our information session to learn more about:
• How your business can get involved in LCSF24
• What’s new for LCSF24
• Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities
• Showcasing your creative careers to the next generation
Here's what's new for LCSF24:
We're excited to announce a dedicated event for schools and colleges in the morning, followed by a vibrant public exhibition later in the day.
• Exclusive access for schools and colleges: This year, LCSF24 kicks off with a dedicated program for
students, offering a structured experience filled with creative exploration.
• Exclusive exhibitor opportunity: Showcase your organisation to a wider audience in the main
exhibition space.
• Exciting new venue: Get ready for a fresh experience at an alternative location to be revealed!
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is for employers and organisations in the Creative and Cultural Sector.
This information session will be held on the following dates:
• Wed 24 April at 12:00pm
• Tues 7 May at 2:00pm
Register below to attend one of the free online information sessions and learn how LCSF24 can benefit your organisation
See out highlights from Leeds Creative Skills Festival 2023