Future Talent Leeds
Our vision is for a globally competitive city where we work together to enable the right opportunities for people and businesses to thrive in a rapidly changing labour market, and ensure that nobody is left behind

Our Future Talent Plan
Supporting our people and businesses to thrive
We will prioritise investment in the skills of people in the city who need our support the most, helping them to get work or start a business in emerging and vital areas of the economy
We will encourage people who have been economically inactive back into the workplace
We will enable people in work to learn new skills, progress throughout their career, and be able to change jobs
We will raise the bar on inclusive recruitment, better jobs, and healthy workplaces
We will use and strengthen our assets to maximise employment and skills opportunities harnessing our collective power to enable people and businesses to thrive
Aligning our city’s education and training infrastructure
We will develop clear talent pipelines through promoting progression pathways and working together better as a city
We will support good quality careers education so that young people are informed, inspired and qualified to access jobs in the city
We will show young people that they can make a career here in Leeds and demonstrate the rich and diverse opportunities that the city has to offer
Take a look at our city-wide partners who are invested in Future Talent Leeds, participating in events which support the future of Leeds such as our Inclusive Growth Strategy Launch Event in September 2023
Sign up to the Future Talent Plan
Be part of a collaborative Team Leeds approach, benefit from a city with a resilient labour force and strong talent pool and find out what other organisations are doing
Measuring Impact
We will collect data to measure the impact of initiatives, a steering group will be set up to oversee the delivery of the Future Talent Plan and we will draw on our Inclusive Growth Partnership to engage with businesses and organisations about the work.
Our partner organisation Leeds City College has signed up to the Future Talent Plan to ensure that people in Leeds thrive in the economy today and in the future