
Older woman working barista age positive

Start in Leeds

A careers guidance website which includes information for post-16 students around talking to local schools or colleges and apprenticeship providers

West Yorkshire Employment and Skills Framework 2021

Setting out the strategic priorities and indicative actions for employment and skills in West Yorkshire

The Great Jobs Agenda

An agenda giving the trade union movement a common set of bargaining asks in the workplace, setting out what the government is to do to ensure that every worker has a great job with fair pay, regular hours, and the opportunity to progress

Informed Choices

The monthly newsletter for careers leads and co-ordinators, produced by the Employment and Skills Team at Leeds City Council

Leeds Careers Charter

Leeds City Council and Start in Leeds have developed eight commitments of practical support to inspire, inform and involve people leaving school or college

Digital Careers and Skills Resource Pack

Download this guide created by Employment & Skills Leeds to explore digital careers, qualification and training routes, digital training providers and further digital and tech career resources.