UKREiiF 2024

2 General AG-3

Roger Moody photography

Leeds has once again hosted UKREiiF, the UK's Real Estate Investment & Infrastructure Forum on May 21st - 23rd 2024. 

Last year, the event welcomed 7,500 people to the Leeds city region, with a report by ARUP revealing that it had a £12.1m economic impact on the city. This year, the conference was attended by over 13,000 people, with the economic boost expected to have risen to £20m with some hotels, bars and restaurants expecting record-breaking mid-week sales.

During the conference, there was some great news announced for Leeds, including Scarborough Group International being announced as the developer for the Old Medical School. This is accelerating plans for Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust's Innovation Village and is a brilliant step forward for our £1.5billion Innovation Arc. 

Team Leeds were out in full force at the conference, participating in panel sessions and spreading the message that Leeds is poised to take its place among the world's leading cities, and has secured billions of private investment in the last decade with another £7billion to come. These sessions ranged from exploring opportunities within innovation districts and leveraging investment zones, to green development, regeneration and housing growth.